Schematic view of the reactor

Biological treatments play a crucial role in removing organic and nitrogen compounds from wastewater with high cost-effectiveness. However, these technologies face limitations when dealing with industrial wasterwater containing biorecalcitrant organic compounds. This innovative anodic oxidation reactor tackles the issue by oxidizing the biorecalcitrant compounds, non selectively and transforming them into more biodegradable forms, to achieve a synergistic effect with a post-biological treatment. This combination of treatments aims at reaching high removal yields, for a wide range of industrial wastewaters with optimized energy consumption.



Industrial wastewaters (e.g., pharmaceutical industry, textile industry, landfill leachates, papermill industry)


Competitive advantages

  • On-site elimination of the biorecalcitrant organic load
  • Partial mineralization of high concentrations of recalcitrant organic compounds
  • Versatile technology for application to a wide range of industrial concentrated effluents
  • Implemention in combination with existing reactors of biological treatment
  • Compact and easy to process


Intellectual property




Industrial wastewater treatment – Concentrated effluents - Recalcitrant organic compounds – Electrochemistry - Combined process – Biodegradation - Anodic oxidation - Degradation and mineralization of organic pollutants

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