A new biomass conversion process producing biofuels at low temperature. Titanium dioxide crystal clusters are combined with green wastes in water creating a photo catalyst-feedstock pair. The total degradation of the green wastes occurs during exposure to visible light irradiation through TiO2 photo catalysis. After this step, the products are collected and the recovered aqueous TiO2 is combined with new green wastes to form a new feedstock pair, ready for the photocatalytic degradation step. This efficient circular process is a totally solvent-free process.



  • Green waste processing

- Algae
- Sludge from Wastewater treatment plant
- Pulp and paper industry wastes
- Other types of biomass

  • Degradation products

- Liquid phase: alcohols (isopropanol, methanol, etc), acetone,
acetic acid, formic acid, etc.


Competitive advantages

  • Biomass conversion into biofuels at low temperature
  • Degradation of all biomass
  • Circular process
  • Robust, stable photo catalyst
  • All steps of process carried out in water (tap water, rain water, etc)


Intellectual property

WO2021/063554 A1 - « Support actif sur photocatalyse avec matériaux à base de TiO2 »
WO2022003030 - « Méthode pour rendre la biomasse active en photocatalyse sous lumière visible en présence des hybrides TiO2/MxOy »



Biomass conversion - Biofuels production - Photocatalysis - Energy production

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