On Thursday, December 2, 2021, the Sci.Ty (Sciences for city) research program in partnership with Gustave Eiffel University, École des Ponts ParisTech, Erganeo and Descartes Développement & Innovation was launched.
Cleantech, greentech, digital disruptive innovation, biotech etc. With SCI.TY, we want to bring out more projects from public research. We want to get them out of the lab to maximize their environmental, societal and economic impact.
The objective is twofold: 1- To put technology-intensive solutions to work for the sustainable transition of territories and 2- To change the paradigm to build resilient, inclusive, circular and productive cities by capitalizing on the power of scientific research.
The program includes Suat Topsu, President of Erganeo, Adeline Douchet, Investment Director of Erganeo, Tarik Bourouina, Professor at ESIEE and co-founder of several Deep tech start-ups, Marc Robert, CEO of the start-up Carboneo, Carlos Viana, CEO and Co-founder of ICON Photonics.
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