Launched by the French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation, in partnership with Bpifrance, in July 2019, the i-PhD innovation competition now rewards 29 young PhDs with projects deemed particularly promising to foster the development of Deep Tech innovations. Among the winners, 21 are young researchers accompanied by members of the SATT Network, and 4 were awarded a Grand Prize.
The first edition of the i-PhD competition is in line with the Government's desire to make France a leader in breakthrough innovation and complements the Deep Tech plan, which sets the objective of doubling the number of start-ups resulting from public research in five years. Each winner of the competition will benefit from specific support to develop his or her entrepreneurial path: from mentoring to training.
For the 21 winning young researchers from the SATT Network, this competition reinforces the support offered by the members of the network, their expertise and their investment dedicated to the development of new products, technologies or services based on the results of their research work. By bringing them visibility, network and a discovery approach of the US ecosystem, the i-PhD competition is fully complementary to the various programs dedicated to Young Researchers developed by SATT in recent years, designed not only to source these promising young talents, but also to finance their project while training them to create a company. The combination of the territorial actions carried out by the SATTs and the national actions carried out by Bpifrance in favor of the emergence of Deep Tech startups is bearing fruit.
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