60% of patients admitted to intensive care are ventilated by mechanical ventilation to ensure stability and survival. These patients suffer from lesions induced by various pathologies. Lesions located in the alveoli are not evenly distributed, especially in the less compliant posterior lobes. Today, no technical solution allows a re-homogenization of this ventilation. The research team develops «VacuoVent», a device in the form of a bespoke rigid or semi-rigid thoracic shell allowing the application of an extra-thoracic negative pressure on the thoracic wall in front of the damaged lung. This device allows a more homogeneous distribution of ventilation, and is currently being evaluated on cadavers. Next step: the clinical POC.
Patent filed (WO2020/0178521, Priority 03.2019)
International ext 03.2020. Covers US, EP.
Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) - Respiratory failure - Extrathoracic negative pressure - Increased oxygenation performance - Homogeneous ventilation distribution
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