NEWS #Newsletter 02/27/2025 Erganeo Newsletter - February 2025 Read more about Erganeo in our February newsletter : SATTs rank among the best international technology transfer organizations Sci-ty's first tranche reports 88 projects supported AbilyCare joins Forvis Mazars' start-up gas pedal in France: XFactory Methys DX joins The Neighborhood...
SUCCESS #STARTUP 01/30/2025 A new implantable biomaterial for bone reconstruction that is completely resorbable Start-up Pegmatiss Biotech and Erganeo have signed an exclusive licence for the use of an implantable biomaterial that is completely resorbable, designed for dental and orthopaedic regenerative bone medicine. Many solutions have been developed in regenerative medicine to promote tissue reconstruc...
SUCCESS HEALTH 09/03/2024 When a new method of interpretating MRI data revolutionizes detection of liver fibrosis
SUCCESS Consortium 06/03/2024 Erganeo and Cap Digital have created the Hyperion consortium to secure "French Tech Seed" certification for their tech startups.
NEWS SEDD 09/20/2023 Erganeo invest in the future with the European Sustainable Development Week 2023
SUCCESS STARTUP 06/28/2023 A new formulation for the treatment and prevention of metastases from colon cancer
NEWS STARTUP 06/26/2023 EverZom and Summit Pharmaceuticals sign exclusive distribution agreement in Japan
SUCCESS STARTUP 04/21/2023 An innovative new approach to the treatment of inflammatory diseases such as Alzheimer's and NASH.
NEWS ERGANEO 04/13/2023 Interview AEF Info - "Recentrer notre activité sur la maturation et le transfert vers tous les acteurs"
SUCCESS STARTUP 03/29/2023 A new artificial intelligence solution for the reliable, non-invasive and ultra-swift diagnosis of digestive tract lesions.
NEWS HEALTH 01/17/2023 An innovative and non-invasive method in early detection and follow-up for cancer.
NEWS ERGANEO 01/10/2023 The French government has allocated €275 million to 17 "maturation - prematuration" consortia including 9 in which Erganeo participates.
SUCCESS actualité 01/10/2023 The Sci-Ty project, "Innovation for the Cities and Mobilities of Tomorrow", co-directed by the Gustave Eiffel University and the SATT Erganeo, winner of the France 2030 call for pre-maturation-maturation projects
NEWS Technology 11/28/2022 Z-Score, a tool for automatic detection of abnormal values in urine and blood monitoring.
NEWS STARTUP 11/18/2022 Dextrain obtains the BPI Deep tech label and the French Tech Emergence grant.
NEWS STARTUP 10/19/2022 Orixha, lauréat de l’EIC Accelerator reçoit 7,5 M€ pour son projet LuncoLive.
SUCCESS actualité 10/05/2022 Availability of a revolutionary early intervention device, helping newborns to crawl.
NEWS SEDD 09/20/2022 Erganeo works for the future with the European Week for Sustainable Development (ESDW) 2022.
SUCCESS actualité 06/10/2022 Erganeo and Emvista sign a license for the use of a unique language resource.
SUCCESS Technology 05/23/2022 Gnosia renews its licensing agreement with Erganeo and develops the RapDys dyslexia remediation application.
SUCCESS STARTUP 04/04/2022 Orixha, wins the 2022 innovation award co-organised by Lyonbiopole during Medi'Nov.
SUCCESS STARTUP 03/24/2022 Evora Biosciences, Orixha and Icon Photonics among the 100 start-ups to invest in in 2022 (Challenges)
SUCCESS STARTUP 03/21/2022 The start-ups Orixha and SideROS, finalists of the sixth edition of the Catapult acceleration programme supported by EIT Health.
EVENT actualité 11/04/2021 Erganeo co organize the SCI.TY event: the DeepTech movement for the city of tomorrow.
NEWS STARTUP 09/30/2021 On the occasion of the Transition Forum 2021, Erganeo presents its start-ups with high environmental impact
Sustainable development SEDD 09/17/2021 Erganeo acts for the future with the European Week for Sustainable Development (EWSD) 2021.
NEWS STARTUP 08/30/2021 Creation of AbilyCare, an innovative start-up for preventive, predictive and personalized medicine at all ages
NEWS STARTUP 03/26/2021 Start-ups EverZom, SkinDermic and SideROS in the ranking of 100 start-ups to invest in 2021, in Challenges magazine.
SUCCESS INVESTMENT 03/10/2021 The start-up created and supported by Erganeo, Augmented Endoscopy selected for the Tech Tour France Transfer Invest.
SUCCESS actualité 03/02/2021 Success of the Clear-Doc program, a project coordinated by the Université Gustave Eiffel and supported by Erganeo
NEWS STARTUP 01/21/2021 iDSERVICES and iDCONCEPTS collaborate with Erganeo to enable the design of an industrial prototype for the Carboneo startup.
Sustainable development SEDD 09/21/2020 Erganeo is committed to the future with the European Sustainable Development Week (ESDW) 2020.
NEWS SATT 09/08/2020 Spie batignolles joins forces with the SATT Network with the "Open Innovation Challenge".
NEWS STARTUP 09/01/2020 "The Erganeo machine started up with great efficiency", Tarik Bourouina, teacher-researcher and founder of a start-up company.
SUCCESS actualité 07/30/2020 The General Secretariat for Investment (SGPI) designates Erganeo and its 2 subsidiaries Linkinnov and Lencify as "Nugget of PIA" in its 2019 activity report.
SUCCESS Concours 07/22/2020 Start-up ICON Photonics wins national "Grand Prize" in i-Lab 2020 competition
SUCCESS Licensing 06/29/2020 License agreement with an american start-up in the treatment of anaemia and rare genetic disorders
SUCCESS actualité 06/03/2020 Start-ups Orixha and Evora Biosciences winners of the EIT Health Headstart program.
SUCCESS Brainvectis 05/26/2020 As Askbio acquires Brainvectis, Erganeo’s first start-up flies the nest.
NEWS Badzak 05/25/2020 Badzak in video: a proximity communication technology, in real time and without network connection.
NEWS innovation 05/07/2020 Erganeo and IPEDIS® are co-investing to industrialize a technology with a strong societal impact.
NEWS Crawliskate 03/25/2020 Crawliskate®, technology backed by Erganeo and captured on film by Netflix in a documentary series about babies
SUCCESS actualité 04/06/2020 Erganeo signs a license agreement with Evora Biosciences, a pioneer in next-generation cellular therapies
NEWS innovation 03/12/2020 Deep Tech: Interview with Suat Topsu, President of Erganeo, in "Industrie Techno".
NEWS autoimmunediseases 02/06/2020 Supported by Erganeo, Ermium Therapeutics is revolutionizing autoimmune and inflammatory therapies.
NEWS THERAPIEGENIQUE 02/05/2020 Brainvectis, start-up accompanied by Erganeo in the spotlight at Vivement Dimanche
NEWS CONNECTEDVEHICLE 01/28/2020 Find the BADZAK technology accompanied by Erganeo, in the SATT Network 2019 Book of Successes
SATT NETWORK SATT 01/13/2020 The SATTs, catalysts of innovation, creators of value for the French economy
NEWS SPORT 12/23/2019 L’INSEP, double lauréat de l’appel à projets « Sport de très haute performance »
NEWS STARTUP 12/09/2019 Erganeo signs a licensing agreement with start-up EverZom, creating a platform for the production of biological tools, extracellular vesicles, to benefit the emergence of tomorrow’s biotherapies.
EVENT entrepreneur 11/08/2019 Grands Prix de l'Innovation 2019: a start-up supported by Erganeo as a finalist
SATT NETWORK Agriculture 11/05/2019 BASF s’appuie sur le Réseau SATT pour identifier des technologies de biocontrôle innovantes
NEWS STARTUP 09/18/2019 Erganeo helps launch start-up Ermium Therapeutics, which has already raised €6.3m in start-up capital.
EVENT Competition 08/28/2019 Chercheurs-Entrepreneurs Challenges and I-PhD competitions are teaming up to promote doctoral entrepreneurship!
EVENT TECHTRANSFER 06/07/2019 Intervention du Réseau SATT lors de la Conférence annuelle ASTP Proton à Dublin
NEWS ERGANEO 07/01/2019 The SATT Network is launching a personalized technology scouting service for large groups and medium-sized companies
EVENT DEEPTECH 05/16/2019 VivaTech2019: A masterclass led by our CEO, Suat Topsu, at the Bpifrance stand
SUCCESS STARTUP 04/17/2019 Supported by Erganeo, start-up Neurallys raises €750,000 to develop connected neurosurgery
SATT NETWORK DEEPTECH 04/08/2019 The SATTs are joining forces to transfer biological imaging technology
SUCCESS INVESTMENT 01/17/2019 Sequoïa, the consortium led by Erganeo, Incub’13 and Creative Valley, awarded Bpifrance’s label