Erganeo launches a Call for Expression of Interest for the creation of Deeptech start-ups. It aims to promote the development of the research work of its community of researchers through the creation of start-ups.
In addition to the ongoing analysis of research projects from academic laboratories in its territory, Erganeo is launching a Call for Expressions of Interest for the creation of Deeptech start-ups. The aim is to promote the development of the research work of its research community through the creation of start-ups.
The projects selected at the end of this call will benefit from the support of the Erganeo team for the preparation of the investment file which will be presented to the Investment Committee (IC) for possible integration into the Start-up Factory programme and maturation funding.
The preparation of the IC (a committee composed of 8 industry and investment experts with complementary skills and experience) allows for the construction of the project through an in-depth analysis of the market, the business model, technological developments and intellectual property.
Erganeo's Start-Up Factory programme then offers support on two levels:
Financial: average investment of €400K
Structuring: our teams are mobilized to help you with the legal creation of your structure, the implementation of your business plan, the reflection on your business model, the marketing of your product, etc.
This human accompaniment, specific to each project and start-up, can be adapted to your needs.
What is it?
This application aims to support innovative research projects that can provide solutions in all scientific and technological fields with a view to creating deeptech startups.
The average funding awarded is 400,000 Euros.
Any researcher meeting the following conditions:
Be affiliated to a research unit in the Erganeo territory.
Be a researcher, teacher-researcher (MCU or PU) or teacher
(MCU or PU) or university hospital teacher (MCU-PH, PU-PH)
Commit to be present or represented on the day of the hearing before the expert committee.
When to apply?
The call is open until 22 April 2022 inclusive. Successful candidates will be invited to an audition in mid-May before the Erganeo committee.
The audition will be held in person or by videoconference via the TEAMS application. This hearing will allow to decide on the preparation of an investment file for the investment committee.
To apply > - Download the application form - contact: