The Sci-ty support programme, Deep tech for the Cities and Mobilities of tomorrow, aims to support a wide range of innovation projects to encourage their transfer to the socio-economic world by creating a community of experts and innovators at national and regional level (experts, scientists, local authorities and residents, socio-economic players).
Its aim is to develop and strengthen support for the creation of innovative products and services for sustainable cities and mobility in order to accelerate the transformation of our economy towards carbon neutrality.
The consortium is launching a 3rd Call for Projects. The consortium particularly encourages collaborative innovation projects involving businesses. The projects identified in the field of digitalisation and decarbonisation of mobility should contribute to the following areas:
- Rail mobility of the future
- Massified logistics
- New transport services through automation and decarbonisation
Particular attention will be paid to mobility projects, which will benefit from enhanced support. With regard to sustainable cities and innovative buildings, the projects identified should support the following priorities:
- Transforming cities through an integrated approach
- Action on buildings to reduce energy and resource consumption
- Development of geosourced construction
The funding awarded will depend on the maturity and progress of the project in terms of its potential for commercialisation and transfer. Funding may be up to €50,000 for premature projects and up to €250,000 for mature projects.
Who can apply?
Any researcher meeting the following conditions:
- hold a research or teaching/research post
- Be affiliated to a research unit at one of the following eligible institutions: Université Gustave Eiffel - IFP Energies nouvelles - CEREMA - CY Cergy Université - Aix Marseille Université - Université Côte d'Azur - Université Polytechnique Hauts-de-France - Nantes Université - Ecole des Ponts ParisTech - ENTPE - Université Paris Saclay - ESTP Paris - Ecole Centrale Nantes - Ecole Centrale Lyon - Insa Lyon.
To apply as a premature candidate >> Complete the premature candidate application form
To apply for the maturing phase >> Complete the maturing application form
Applications must be sent by 6 March 2024 to the following address:
As applications are processed on a first-come, first-served basis, we recommend that you submit them as early as possible to allow sufficient time for processing. This call is complementary to an analysis that may be carried out throughout the year.