Neurological movement disorders disrupt the execution of alternating movements which are the basis of most daily movements. Among these disorders, Parkinson’s disease mainly affects large amplitude movements (hypometria). Because of the lack of tools allowing simple and rapid measurements of the different kinematic parameters of rapid alternating movements, the standard clinical examination of these movements cannot be achieved in a quantified manner. We will seek, by comparing a sample of healthy subjects and a sample of subjects with moderate Parkinson’s disease, the kinematic parameters of the movement (amplitude, speed, acceleration, fluidity) that are most discriminating compared to normal movement.
The development of bi-functional smart window, which combine reversible battery-type electrochemical energy storage and electrochromic properties, is an significant step forward to tackle the energetic footprint of buildings. These innovative aqueous based devices can reversibly switch from a transparent discharged state to a colored (even fully opaque) charged state. When integrated in “green” buildings, they efficently regulate light and heat transfer, thus
reducing the energy consumption and recycling stored energy. The selling point of our approach lies in leveraging Reversible Zinc Electrodeposition (RZE) on a transparent conductive oxide anode, with the possibility of combining various electrochromic materials at the cathode.
Biological treatments play a crucial role in removing organic and nitrogen compounds from wastewater with high cost-effectiveness. However, these technologies face limitations when dealing with industrial wasterwater containing biorecalcitrant organic compounds. This innovative anodic oxidation reactor tackles the issue by oxidizing the biorecalcitrant compounds, non selectively and transforming them into more biodegradable forms, to achieve a synergistic effect with a post-biological treatment. This combination of treatments aims at reaching high removal yields, for a wide range of industrial wastewaters with optimized energy consumption.
Electricity cost is one of the main expenses in water electrolysis, so improving conversion efficiency in electrolysers is crucial. Our innovative Anion Exchange Membrane (AEM) water electrolysis cathode catalyst rivals the efficiency of Carbon-Platinum (Pt/C) at a much lower cost. It combines nickel with a small amount of a Platinum Group Metal (PGM) through a unique one-step synthesis. In a three-electrode setup at 20°C and 0.1 mol/L KOH with a 10 mA/cm² current density, pure Ni stands at -280 mV overpotential, while our catalyst shows -110 mV, close to Pt/C 60%’s -105 mV, thus enhancing both affordability and performance in hydrogen production. At 1 mol/L KOH, our catalyst’s overpotential even drops to -65 mV, versus -50 mV for Pt/C 60%.
Therapeutic extracellular vesicles, derived from HEK293T cells expressing the NFAT3 transcription factor, are used in the advanced treatment of metastatic triple-negative breast cancer and pancreatic cancer.
Although the standard ASTM D559 has been defined to evaluate the impact of water ingress and egress on a given soil, the current ASTM approach does not consider the soil saturation level, the temperature implemented does not represent the real situation, and the consideration of Relative Humidity (RH) and physicochemical interaction between soil and water is ignored. In this context, the proposed automated simulator brings a novel approach to monitoring the water ingression and egression phenomena continuously by considering the soil saturation level. The temperature and RH which impact such phenomena are incorporated to represent the field condition. The physicochemical interaction between each specimen and water can be analyzed simultaneously. Thus, the proposed device can evaluate the impact of the wetting and drying cycles on compacted soil in an environment that closely represents the field situation.
The development of efficient water filtration systems is an important challenge for environmental engineering. Activated carbon is widely used for the adsorption of organic pollutants, such as pesticides, pharmaceutical by-products and volatile organic compounds. However, it is only a separation step and the regeneration processes of the adsorption material currently present some important drawbacks. A new electrochemical process for in-situ regeneration of activated carbon has been developed. Both adsorption and regeneration steps are performed in the same reactor. The objective of electrochemical regeneration is to recover the adsorption capacity of the adsorption material and to degrade organic pollutants. The technology was initially developed using activated carbon fibers, a breakthrough material allowing faster adsorption of organic pollutants. The technology is also applied for the regeneration of conventional activated carbon grains.
Spacetime-constrained oblivious transfer (SCOT) is a cryptographic task extending one-out-of-m oblivious transfer (OT) by guaranteeing security from quantum physics and relativistic signalling constraints.
Current methods for monitoring the health status of power semiconductor components, in real time, in operating electronic equipment, are very complex and therefore expensive to implement. Thanks to the discovery of a new unique temperature-independent aging indicator it has now become very simple and economical to diagnose the state of health of these components. The result is a drastic reduction in the cost of maintenance that opens the way to new fields of application previously unthinkable.
Reducing the environmental footprint of building materials is a major challenge in the construction industry. This innovative process makes it possible to reinforce a wide range of excavated soils by making them suitable for raw earth construction. Compressed earth blocks possessing enhanced mechanical properties and water resistance are fabricated with addition of biopolymers. These clay materials, 100% geo-based and bio-based, are an ideal solution for building the city of tomorrow.
About 25% of primary human breast cancers are due to the deregulated expression of ErbB2/HER2. HER2-targeted therapies have improved patient survival, but both de novo and acquired resistance remain a challenge, as only 25% of treated patients respond to the current therapies. Equivocal HER2 status also remains an issue as it affects subsequent clinical management. Following the analysis of the expression level of more than 800 miRNA in several human breast cancer cells and patient biopsies with various HER2+ status, the team has identified novel miRNA biomarkers for the diagnosis and prognosis of HER2+ cancers. This allows for further stratification of patients and offers new therapeutic strategies based on the modulation of some of these miRNA. The team has the expertise and know-how required to measure miRNA and HER2 expression levels in biological samples as well as to assess HER2 activation status, downstream signaling and functional effects on cell proliferation and survival in breast cancer.
Use of anti-miRNAs as therapeutic tools in HER2+ breast cancer.
Nanomedicine and biotherapeutics are progressively replacing traditional small drug therapeutics. Lipidic nanoparticles for covid vaccines is one of the most recent and succesful example. The field success is strongly related to analytical techniques such as SEC chromatography and size analysis. AF4 flow separation is an attractive alternative to SEC to separate a wider range of nanoparticles. Yet, the experimental complexity and resources it requires limit its current capacities. Thanks to our expertise in thermoplastic, we can miniaturize it, intensifying its performances and overcoming its current limitations.
Compounds releasing carbon monoxide (CO-RMS) are being investigated as a new treatment approach to mitigate age-related metabolic dysfunction.
Les revêtements autonettoyants ou réflectifs (textiles, peintures, verres, bétons…) à base de TiO2 sont déjà connus mais le problème majeur reste la taille nanométrique des particules d’oxyde de titane jugée dangereuse pour les
êtres vivants. Dans les procédés existants, ces nanocristaux d’oxyde de titane, une fois synthétisés ou achetés, sont importés à l’intérieur ou sur la surface des revêtements. Le risque de dissémination dans l’environnement est donc réel puisque ces particules peuvent se décrocher aisément, de par le lien très faible entre revêtement et matériaux. Notre innovation permet quant à elle d’éviter cette problématique en rendant le lien entre support et TiO2 très fort en développant directement les cristaux à l’intérieur ou sur la surface d’un support sans risque de se décrocher et se disséminer dans l’environnement.
Red blood cell (RBC) allo-immunization is the immune response of an individual to foreign RBC antigens not present on the surface of their own cells. An efficient detection of alloantibodies is of major interest to manage transfusions in regularly transfused patients, or for the pregnancy follow-up in the context of haemolytic disease of the foetus and new-born (HDFN). However, The Rh blood group system is one of the most polymorphic and immunogenic system, defined by least 54 Rh antigens, some of which being very rare in the population. To date, available commercial test cell reagents, composed of red cell panels expressing different Rh phenotypes, are able to encompass only few of these Rh specificities. Researchers have developed a cell-free system for the production of RH proteins, allowing to obtain large quantities of these proteins in their native state. The method, validated on RhD and RhD-RhAG antigens, relies on the use of in-house assembled nanodiscs, able to incorporate membrane proteins, preserving not only the solubility but also the conformation of newly synthetized membrane proteins. This is to date the first method allowing to generate in vitro Rh antigens with a correct conformation and, thus, ready to be tested by several antibodies, thereby representing a new approach for diagnostic in hematology laboratories investigations.
Prematurity is the leading cause of death in children under five; each year, approximately 15 million babies are born prematurely all over the world. Prematurity exposes the child and the mother to an increased risk of morbidity and death when the caregivers are not trained in specific care. The research team has developed 2 innovative training modules for training in obstetrical emergencies. The first module is a uterine cervix module created to simulate different configurations of cervical effacement. This automated training tool will allow the simulation of emergency or daily clinical situations related to pregnancy, in particular the threat of premature delivery. The second module is a 3D printed “uterine body”. The training module reproduces different scenarios to treat hemorrhages during childbirth (suture, intrauterine tamponade balloon) in order to improve professional practices and reduce maternal morbidity and mortality.
Multi-image fusion is a good solution for performing super-resolution and denoising images, especially for low-cost image capture systems. However, in embedded systems such as satellites, drones or smartphones, the lightweight embedded processing can be problematic. The innovative process optimizes the distribution of the computational load between the light-embedded processing device and the remote processing solution with a more powerful server. It can also considerably reduce the quantity of data to be transmitted or increase the quality of the result obtained for an equal quantity of data transmitted.
Assessing DNA integrity is a crucial step to characterize the quality of biological samples prior to in-depth genomic analysis, especially applicable in reproductive medicine, prenatal diagnosis and cancer research. Although many methods have been proposed for the assessment of DNA integrity (by electrophoresis, quantitative PCR and, more recently, microfluidic-based procedures), there is still a need to apply more sensitive and precise methods. The invention relates to a method for determining the level of integrity of DNA molecules in a sample containing DNA by multiplexing Digital PCR, which involves amplifying DNA fragments from the sample with amplification primers designed to produce different and predetermined sizes of overlapping amplicons of the same DNA target region, and oligonucleotide probes which can produce detectable and differential signals upon hybridization. Proof of concepts in two main applications have been carried out to date on human clinical samples (small cohort studies):
- By evaluating the ability of the developed clinical trial to discriminate plasma DNA samples from healthy subjects (n=25) and cancer patients (colorectal cancer (n=23), gastric cancer (n=22), pancreatic cancer (n=11))
- By evaluating the quality of DNA after storage in different blood collection tubes
Lung injury is not homogeneous because lesions are frequently distributed in the posterior regions. This exposes the lungs to inhomogeneous ventilation under mechanical ventilation with risk of overdistension of the anterior and
cyclic opening-closing of the posterior regions. These two phenomena can aggravate lung damage and lead to excess mortality. Today, no technical solution allows the homogenization of the pulmonary aeration except the prone position. The research team develops «STRAPVENT», a device whose objective is to apply a titrated compression on the compliant anterior chest wall of the thorax. This device allows a more homogeneous distribution of ventilation, protecting the anterior areas from overdistension and favoring the redistribution of ventilation towards the posterior regions. Dramatic improvement in the airways mechanics has been reported in patients with ARDS.
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